Wednesday, October 27, 2010

latest telephone calls

In the past two weeks I've received telephone calls that have required an explanation of the "released friend" concept.  I think a short review of the call will be helpful..

The first call was to introduce the person who would make the second call.  Both calls were from young men who have small families, attend the same church and have a budding relationship in a small group and live in a university community - not in Michigan. I'll give the name Tom to the second caller.

Tom has recently moved to that university to serve in a ministry to a segment of the student population. He has moved with his wife and 3 small boys from a major city.  One requirement for the move was that he would have to raise his own support. With a little more that 60% of the financial needs for the ministry and the family Tom was seeking some advice.

In the hour long conversation I shared how the "released friend" concept came to me.  Tom's response was "How can I become a released friend?"  We then did a quick study of Paul and Barnabas out of Acts where the church in Antioch sent them on their first missionary journey.  I asked Tom, "Who beside you and your wife wants you to be in ministry?" His response was so typical, "I don't know!" When Wilma and I left Washington D.C. to move to the Midwest we were given our monthly salary for 6 months with a stipulation that that amount would be reduced on a monthly basis so that we would be on our own after 11 months. If our efforts in ministry did not provide for us then I was committed to get a job and serve in the mission on a volunteer bases.  Wilma and I have now served over 40 years on that commitment.  We have been "released friends" because the people have wanted us to be free to "serve God and people". Maybe this year I will have to get a job!
To be continued!

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