Sunday, February 23, 2014

Abigail Inn --- Lexington, Va.

Lexington was as close to the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington that Wilma and I were able to get this year. A great small town in the mountains just a short 3 hour drive from DC. The home of Washington and Lee University (WL), the Virginia Military Institute (VMI), H.Q. for Omicron Delta Kappa (ODK), Southern Virginia University (SVU), a short distance away, and the place where Stonewall Jackson is buried (Civil War), and the home of the ABIGAIL INN.

Good friends Landey and Becky Patton (L&B) are the proprietors of the Abigail with the able assistance of Megan Stephens of SVU. Megan is a graduate student in English and creative writing, also an expert in the digital world of Facebook, Twitter and websites etc.

Landey and Becky's dream is to turn the Abigail into a great B&B but also into a type of "community center' - they have the largest table in town;  a place for parents of graduating seniors from the various schools; a place for VMI cadets to relax on Sunday afternoon & evening - snacks, soft drinks, TV, overstuffed chairs and couch etc. all under the leadership Chaplain Jim Park of VMI,

The week, while L&B were at the PB in DC and then off to Chicago for a wedding, became a great time with different friends who came for a day or so.  Drazen Glavas from Croatia, Todd and Paula Endo from Amisville, Va., Milt Richards from California, and  others from Lexington. Megan ran the B&B and also became my mentor.  When we met I had told her that I was writing a "novel" the first sentence of which had these 7 words, "Fleas and flies and a thousand eyes...". She said that she liked those word but also wondered what was in the rest of the sentence, to which I replied, "That is all that has been written, I only started it in 1957!"  So my journey has only begun,  I also found out that I had started a memoir and not a novel.

With the able assistance of Megan and Wilma I might even find a way to write that memoir from my year in Pakistan ----  Marian and Kathy my classmates, whom I was taking across north India to Nepal, to be with Marian's dad the head medical advisor to the government of Nepal.  Only a memoir - long dormant in my brain, t all these years, this will probably take even longer -- a very long journey is still ahead!


Saturday, February 22, 2014

Abigail Inn - Lexington,

Abigail Inn - Lexington, VA.  ... at 72 degrees in the "sunroom" as we used to call that space in the house. But spring is coming and we can hardly wait for "global warming" to kick in.  That is what getting that close to Washington D.C. can do to person's brain!!!

the above does not make sense except for the loss of everything that had been written when I had forgotten to use the computer "save" button!!! 

 So now to try and reconstruct the real blog---maybe I should stop and think about becoming - again - a blogger.  Wilma has patiently guided the steps into the  modern world of  "climate change" instead
of "global warming", of  "progressive" rather than "liberal", of  "the principles of Jesus" rather than the "person of Jesus",  of "fetish" rather than of a "baby", of the constitution being a "living" document rather than a "static" document etc.  Will we ever come to a point when a word means something or a handshake will be enough without 40 pages of lawyer talk before persons can agree and move ahead?

The next attempt at a blog will hopefully come out of some great and recent study/dialogue under the  book HOW HE WORLD BEGAN "Man in the first chapters of the Bible" by Helmut Thielicke. Though I had the book 25-30 year ago it came to "life" when Wilma and I started to read it out loud. No skipping words or sentences - addressing what the word "it" means, who are "they", what does "this" mean etc.      

Please accept this "beginning again" attempt....I hope it will not be the last