Friday, March 13, 2015

On Saturday many, many of us will gather for a Memorial Service in honor of a good and great friend Ken Roesler. In gathering we will get Ken "back".  In his book "ONE HUNDRED MUSINGS - From a journey with Jesus" by Kent Hotaling. He  wrote about two of his very close friends, Kelly and Bill.

"In these times of great loss being together brings renewal of life.  We remind each other that death is the grace of God that allows those he loves to move fully into his presence with out all that we have to deal with on earth - so that is a partial comfort.  It is a comfort to hold each other and to weep together but the surprising thing to me is:  We get them back.  It takes time, but eventually the memories that initially cause such pain become a reconnecting with this person who means so much to us. I don't need the question, "What would Jesus do/"  Because I have often thought, "What would Kelly say?" Or what would Bill or John or Shari on on and on ... do or say?  In September of 2014, a group of us gathered in Arnprior, Ontario to remember Bill Bussiere who had been died 20 years before.  We told stories with humor and pathos and of wisdom imparted as we celebrated the way God had use him in each of our lives.  We got him back!" p86

Ken was a companion for 35 years.  He and Nancy helped to shape our lives, and we theirs. Ken and I "walked together", respected each others and loved the same Jesus.

I watched  Ken in his professional and personal life.  Worked with him on a couple of  non-profit boards, traveled with him to China and Ethiopia. When in China one of our friends asked, "What position did Ken have in General Motors?" So, we asked Ken.  His very humble response was,"Of the 800,000 employees of G.M. I was in the top 1500."  Ken served people who needed Ken's expertise.  He did not covet their jobs. He helped them to be successful, to climb the corporate ladder! In his book WE by Robert Johnson, he wrote, "When two things are muddled together they need to be separated so that they may be rejoined in a workable synthesis... analysis must always serve synthesis in order to serve life.  What is taken apart must be put back together."p.49

Even when he thought a "lateral move" inside G.M. was the end of his career, the move turned into a even greater career - a career of true leadership in the corporate world.

In his church the influence of his life sheltered and helped pastors, shaped whole mission philosophy and practices. On boards he guided agenda and brought wholeness to the endeavor. Ken could analyse but he never stopped there, he knew that bringing back together was the role of analysis.  So many lesson he taught me in this regard!

I learned many lesson during our journey together as disciples of Jesus.  Wilma and I were drawn to tears when we saw this picture of Ken. A gentle, confident, complete person.

Ken was a "Kingdom of God"  person - maybe this is his real title!  .

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